Team project
1st row : from left to right : Kahina Saker, Marion Debombourg, Sophie Trouillet-Assant, Cécile Barnel, Marine Mormel, Audrey Augusto, Valérie Cheynet
2nd row : from left to right: Guy Oriol, William Mouton, Aurore Fleurie, Cloé Grosbois, Kylian Trepat, Caroline Dupré
Students in internship and thesis
Marion Debombourg
Graduating with a Master’s degree in infectious disease from ESTBB, Marion had already completed an internship during her first year at the Joint Research Laboratory focused on studying protective correlates against COVID-19.
After completing her Master’s degree, Marion returned to the laboratory to begin a CIFRE thesis with bioMérieux and UCBL in October 2023. As part of her thesis, she is focusing on the prognostic aspects of the REVIDA Chair to study functional alterations in the immune system among individuals at risk of developing severe respiratory infections.
Cloé Grosbois
During her Master’s degree in Applied Infectious Disease at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Cloé completed her second-year internship at the Joint Research Laboratory HCL-bioMérieux, which focuses on studying the nasal type I interferon response in the context of respiratory viral infections. After finishing her Master’s degree, Cloé continued her work in the laboratory to further explore her internship topic and prepare her thesis on the same subject.
Before starting her PhD, Cloé spent five months in New Zealand to enhance her language skills and gain autonomy. Following this enriching experience, she returned to the laboratory in June 2024 to begin her thesis entitled “Study of the Host Response During Viral Infections for New Diagnostic Methods.”
Cloé is currently focusing on the diagnostic component of the REVIDA Chair.
Charles Nodot
Charles, a fifth-year student at INSA, completed his internship for degree validation by working on the diagnostic performance of the interferon score. He spent 10 months, from October 2023 to June 2024, focusing on the diagnostic component of the REVIDA Chair. His primary tool was the R programming language, along with the external libraries known as ‘Tidyverse.’
Lou Royer is a Master’s student who graduated from the Biotechnology Manager training course at ESTBB (Catholic University of Lyon), and she completed her internship with the VirPath team (CIRI) from November 2023 to July 2024. Her project, integrated into the REVIDA industrial chair led by Sophie Trouillet-Assant, focused on studying the interferon response induced by different types of viral infections. The objective was to examine the expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs): lung epithelial cells during influenza A (H1N1) and RSV (Type A) infections. Lou Royer’s work characterized the IFN response in various experimental contexts, highlighting the importance of viral replication in its induction and the differences between viruses. These results confirm the value of using ISG expression as a reflection of the IFN response and as an indicator of viral replication for the development of diagnostic applications.
Renata Orlandini
As part of her PhD program in Oral Biology at the Ribeirão Preto School of Dentistry, affiliated with the University of São Paulo in Brazil, Renata Orlandini joined the research laboratory from November 6 to December 23, 2023, with the support of the French embassy.
Renata was able to learn the various techniques available for evaluating the IFN-I response. This enriching experience notably contributed to strengthening the application dossier for an USP-COFECUB funding request, aimed at extending the scientific collaboration between our two countries by planning future Franco-Brazilian scientific exchanges.